Day 1 – Pre-Conference April 16
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Compliance Offset Workshop
The Climate Action Reserve invites you to attend a free workshop introducing the Reserve program, exploring its role as an Offset Project Registry (OPR) for California’s Cap-and-Trade Program, and offering a window into the process for the issuance of offset credits eligible to be converted to ARB Offset Credits. Additionally, the workshop will feature a presentation by an offsets broker who will discuss the market for California Compliance Offsets from the perspective of both project developers looking to bring their credits into California’s market and covered entities looking to use offsets in an effort to minimize their costs of compliance. The workshop will be useful for covered entities in California as well as for consultants, academics, project developers, policymakers, and anyone interested in learning more about California’s carbon market. The workshop is free and open to the public. However, space is limited, so please register in advance at:
If you have any questions, please contact Scott Hernandez at 213-542-0295 or [email protected].
9:00 AM - 12:00 AM
The Climate Registry Annual Members Meeting
The Climate Registry invites members to join us for a day of networking, conversation, a GHG Reduction Goal Setting Workshop, and a site visit to see a local member’s sustainability best practices in action. There will be a small fee to cover the cost of lunch and transportation. If you would like to attend, please email Laura Zahn at [email protected].
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
California Cap-and-Trade 101
California’s Cap-and-Trade Program made history when it officially launched January 1, 2012. It is the only economy-wide program in the U.S. and one of the world’s largest carbon markets. With a successful first allowance auction in November 2012 and the enforced compliance obligation for capped entities taking effect on January 1, 2013, the program is now in full swing with market trading gaining confidence.
This three-hour workshop will cover the basics of California’s Cap-and-Trade Program. Speakers will discuss how the program fits into the state’s landmark Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), timeframes established under the program, compliance entities and their obligations and basic market structure. The workshop is an excellent primer for people starting to learn about the program and a comprehensive refresher course for people wanting to brush up on their Cap-and-Trade Program knowledge. It is also a good precursor event for people who will attend the regular conference sessions. This workshop will be presented by Jan Mazurek and Steve Fine from ICF. Fee: $100
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
PG&E Seeking Offset Credit Offers
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is seeking offers of Greenhouse Gas Offset Credits that are eligible for compliance under California’s cap-and-trade regulation. On April 16 from 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm representatives from PG&E will provide an overview of the products being sought in the Request for Offers (RFO) and will answer questions from potential RFO participants. The session will be held in the Mendocino Room. Attendees are welcome to bring their lunch.
Copies of the 2013 GHG Offset Credit RFO Protocol and related information and materials are available on PG&E’s website at Questions may be sent to [email protected].
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Climate Action Reserve Board of Directors Meeting
Members of the public are invited to join the Climate Action Reserve for the open session of the Board of Directors meeting. The agenda will be available on the Climate Action Reserve website
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Forest Offsets Workshop
The Climate Action Reserve invites you to attend a free workshop examining the use of forest offsets in California’s Cap-and-Trade Program. The workshop will provide information on the development of forest projects, comparing and contrasting the Reserve’s Forest Project Protocol approved for use in the Early Action Offset Program with the compliance version of the protocol. In addition, this workshop will feature a forest carbon offset project case study by Blue Source, an experienced project developer, who will share its experience and insight into the mechanics of implementing a successful forest carbon offset project, from early-stage development and implementation through to verification and bringing the credits to the market. Space is limited, so please register in advance at:
If you have any questions, please contact Scott Hernandez at 213-542-0295 or [email protected].
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Legal Issues for Offsets in the Voluntary and Compliance Markets 101
This three-hour, three-part workshop is intended for attorneys working in the climate change arena who want to learn more about hot topics in the California offsets market.
Market structure and regulation for lawyers
The first session will provide an introduction to the California Cap-and-Trade Program’s market structure and regulation, including the applicable statutes and enforcement and oversight authorities. From Offset Project Operators to financial exchanges, this session will provide a roadmap of the legal and regulatory landscape governing the Cap-and-Trade Program. Panelists include Lily Mitchell from Hanna and Morton and Jonas Monast from the Nicholas Institute.
Contracting in the compliance market
The second session will provide an overview of purchase agreements in the compliance carbon market, including best practices regarding structuring contracts, what to watch out for, and how to mitigate risks. Experts will discuss what to include on behalf of clients seeking to buy or sell offsets and allowances—this is a deep dive for attorneys seeking guidance in this emerging practice area. Panelists include JP Brisson, Partner, Latham & Watkins, LLP; Christie Marquez, Senior Counsel, Chevron USA; and Sean Carney, President, Finite Carbon.
Using offsets as mitigation in the CEQA context
The third session will focus on the use of offsets outside of the regulatory Cap-and-Trade Program. In particular, GHG reduction credits, including the Reserve’s CRTs, are increasingly being used to mitigate air impacts in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) context and in connection with other mitigation regimes. The panel will provide background on the use of offsets in the mitigation context, update the group on the status of efforts by regulatory entities in California to streamline the process of using offsets as mitigation, and provide examples of where offsets have successfully been retired in satisfaction of air impacts associated with project approval. "Panelists include David Vintze, Air Quality Planning Manager, Bay Area Air Quality Management District; Bill Sloan, Partner, Morrison & Foerster; and Cassie Gilson, Principal, Gilson Government Strategies.
Fee: $245
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
ROW Update: How California Could Incorporate REDD+ in its Cap-and-Trade Program
Could California link its cap-and-trade offsets program to international forest carbon? The REDD Offset Working Group invites you to a discussion on the benefits and challenges of bringing REDD+ credits into the California offset market. The REDD+ Offset Working Group (ROW) is an advisory group established in February 2011 by a memorandum of understanding between the Governors of California, Chiapas (Mexico), and Acre (Brazil), and convened to provide recommendations on how California might incorporate international programs for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) in its Cap-and-Trade Program. This meeting will provide an overview of ROW’s recommendations, leading into an expert panel discussion on key issues such as credit liability, how credits would flow, and what are the potential impacts on California's market.
Panelists include:
Xantha Bruso, Pacific Gas & Electric
Fabio Nehme, EDF Trading
Mike Korchinsky, Wildlife Works
Derik Broekhoff, Climate Action Reserve
Toby Janson-Smith, Conservation International
The discussion and comments from this workshop will feed into the revision process for the ROW Draft Recommendations, which will ultimately be delivered to the California Air Resources Board for consideration. Final written comments on the ROW recommendations are due by April 30, and further feedback is welcomed. Please come and discuss more about what a REDD+ offset program linked to California’s Cap-and-Trade Program might look like. Space is limited, so please register in advance at:
Day 2 – Conference April 17
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration and Exhibit Hall Open
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Welcome and Keynote Addresses

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Plenary Session: International Programs
A number of states and nations are taking action today tethered together by the common goal of addressing climate change. Members of this international group of leaders will discuss their environmental goals and strategies and consider the possibilities for meeting at the same trailhead in the future.

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Networking Break
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Keynote Address

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Plenary Session: Trailblazers in the Joint Expedition
Summiting the world's most intimidating peaks takes an expedition with skilled individuals who can work together as a team. The Cedar Fire destroyed 95 percent of the conifer forest in California's treasured Cuyamaca Rancho State Park in 2003. With no funds to restore this vanishing habitat, the state park turned to the carbon market to support a reforestation project and enlisted the involvement of Disney and others. This panel will discuss the status of the project and examine how the teaming of public and private sectors can address our direst needs, both at Cuyamaca and beyond.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Lunch and Networking
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM • Breakout Session 1
Path 1 • Present Market Structure
Provisioning: Market Pricing and Cost Containment Mechanisms
This market-focused panel will explore the most significant forces shaping the supply and demand for allowances and offsets. The discussion will provide insight into the strategic reserve and other cost containment mechanisms, will consider the key drivers of allowance and offset pricing, and provide expert views on market forecasting.

Path 2 • Future Policy Development and Schemes
Parallel Expeditions: Markets and Activities around the World
While many in North America have kept close watch on California and Quebec, historic programs and activities have been developing in parallel in other regions of the world. Representatives from these programs will discuss programmatic updates and impacts and where they see their expeditions heading. This session will be a more detailed follow-up discussion from the international plenary session.

Path 3 • Offsets and Offset Supply
Building Your Anchor: Managing Offset Risk
California’s compliance offset program is up and running, but there are a variety of risks that market participants need to consider, whether they are developing projects or purchasing credits. This session will discuss risks like buyer liability, converting early action projects and project quality and the tools available to manage them.

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Networking Break
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM • Breakout Session 2
Path 1 • Present Market Structure
The First Ascent: Where the Market is Today
With successful auctions and higher-than-expected trading volumes in 2013, the California carbon market has gotten off to a solid start. This session will discuss the status and issues of today's market for both allowances and offsets, including market oversight activities, structure of contracts, prices, liquidity, auctions and participants.

Path 2 • Future Policy Development and Schemes
The Climbing Forecast: State-level Developments and Updates
California is conquering the challenge of emissions reduction through many other means in addition to cap-and-trade. This panel will follow each of these trails as it explores how auction revenue may support new emission reduction programs, examines ARB's updating of the Scoping Plan, and considers what else may be on the horizon.

Path 3 • Offsets and Offset Supply
Multinational Expeditions? Prospects for International Offsets
California currently recognizes only domestically sourced offsets. Regulatory language, however, contemplates offsets from international "sectoral" programs, including REDD+ programs. Can international offsets shore up the supply of credits? Are there realistic options besides REDD+? How is the WCI considering international credits? Panelists will discuss prospects and options for internationally sourced offsets.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Day 3 – Conference April 18
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Registration and Exhibit Hall Open
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Keynote Remarks and Climate Action Champion Awards Presentation

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Networking Break
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM • Breakout Session 1
Path 1 • Present Market Structure
Crossing the Ice Field: Key Legal Topics for California Climate Initiatives
This panel will provide an overview of the resolved, pending, and anticipated legal issues surrounding California climate efforts, including challenges to the Cap-and-Trade Program and the low carbon fuel standard. Panelists will also discuss purchase agreements and other legal instruments for use in the Cap-and-Trade Program.

Path 2 • Future Policy Development and Schemes
An Old Route to a New Destination: Clean Air Act
The U.S. EPA is continuing to develop rules limiting GHG emissions from new and existing power plants. This session will provide an update on the EPA's latest efforts to address climate change, and panelists will discuss the interaction between the Clean Air Act and existing state programs.

Path 3 • Offsets and Offset Supply
Other Mountains: GHG Emission Reductions for Use Outside Cap-and-Trade
Experts will examine the generation and use of carbon credits for use as mitigation under CEQA and NEPA and will explore other market opportunities, including the voluntary market.

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Lunch and Networking
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM • Closing Sessions
Path 2 • Future Policy Development and Schemes
Federal Activity and Complementary Policies
California's carbon market exists within a broad federal and state policy landscape. This session will discuss how federal activity (e.g. fiscal policy, carbon policy, R&D, transmission and natural gas) and complementary state policies (e.g. renewable portfolio standard and resource shuffling) might interact with the California market.

Path 3 • Offsets and Offset Supply
Boosting the Rations: Offset Supply and New Project Protocols
This panel will look toward the future supply of compliance offsets and the potential for new project types to be adopted by ARB. Discussion will include options for agriculture-based offsets and additional protocol development that is currently underway.

Program subject to change.